Yen and her husband just welcomed their first son more than a month ago.
The pressure to have children made her mentally weak, lose weight, and her menstruation became less frequent, sometimes only having her period for half a year.
Doctor Le Quang Do said that Ms. Yen’s two uterine tubes were blocked and her sperm count was weak.
Infertility due to fallopian tube and weak sperm can be easily treated with in vitro fertilization using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI) technique.
Doctor Le Quang Do provides infertility advice to patients.
She and her husband created 5 healthy embryos through in vitro fertilization and decided to transfer the embryos immediately because they did not want to delay the opportunity to have children.
During this time, Ms. Yen’s bilateral fallopian tube fluid retention was getting worse and her abdominal pain was increasing. The doctor prescribed surgery to remove both fallopian tubes.
After surgery, encouraged by the doctor, she `bet` on the last frozen embryo.
Dr. Do said infertility due to fallopian tubes includes damage and blockage of the fallopian tubes.
Blocked fallopian tubes or fluid retention often do not cause special symptoms, so many people do not detect abnormalities.
*Patient’s name has been changed