Through studying and experiencing the process of learning English for many years, I would like to give some advice to my friends, siblings, relatives, and those who want to start learning English but are still afraid.
Firstly, the method of learning English is an important factor, directly affecting the results, so before starting to study, you need to find out what way you should learn that will both remember long and have good pronunciation.
The preferred and proven effective learning sequence comes from listening, not writing.
The bookstore currently sells a very good guide to learning English the right way by Mr. A.J.
The preferred and proven effective learning sequence comes from listening, not writing.
Second, according to my research, there are two famous textbooks for learning English using the above method, one is Pimsleur for beginners, the other is Effortless English for people with a minimum level of English.
Textbooks with the words Beginne/Starter have also been carefully compiled to help you learn English from the beginning.
In my opinion, you can absolutely study any existing English textbook, just reverse the learning order like Pimsleur and Effortless English and you can achieve better results than expected.
As for online English learning programs, I have not experienced them so I do not know enough to recommend them.
I will try to apply this method to my lazy younger brother and relatives who want to learn English. I am studying and have started to see results after a month of learning Effortless English (in the past, I learned English).
I look forward to receiving feedback from teachers with many years of teaching experience and from my brothers, sisters, and friends for more valuable advice in learning English.
>> See more:Â Practical solutions for students to learn English effectively
Nguyen Thuy Lien
‘Vietnamese people can speak English better than Americans’
How many Vietnamese people dare to claim that they speak Vietnamese well?
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