At that time, the number of people dying from nCoV in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland had not yet `deviated from orbit`.
While the world panicked over Covid-19, Tegnell was hailed by many as a hero for his calm and seemingly scientific approach.
Tegnell affirmed that Swedish elderly people can be safe from Covid-19 if their children and grandchildren do not visit them in nursing homes.
Epidemiologist Tegnell held a press conference about Covid-19 in Stockholm on April 9.
According to Telegraph editor Mark Brolin, no other country’s health man can be as certain of being able to deal with Covid-19 without strict control measures as Tegnell.
Many people in Sweden believed Tegnell was right, until the country’s death toll skyrocketed compared to neighboring countries.
Brolin believes that this fact makes Tegnell’s previous `sure-as-nails` statement meaningless.
`We have a very clear generational divide in Sweden and this is certainly quite different from the rest of European countries. Old people only meet old people and young people only come into contact with their peers.`
Public opinion’s attention once paid to Tegnell has now turned to those who were skeptical of Sweden’s `go-alone` approach to fighting the epidemic.
In 2010, Olsen published the book `Pandemic`, which predicted the emergence of a terrible epidemic like the current Covid-19.
Olsen even publicly criticized health officials, and indirectly criticized the government, for abandoning the elderly during the pandemic.
These experts also asked the government to step in and introduce more stringent control measures, while waiting for additional testing kits, protective equipment as well as breakthroughs in Covid-19 treatment.
Customers talk outside a bar in Stockholm on April 8.
But leaders and influencers in Sweden have put their faith in Tegnell’s crisis response strategy.
However, when public confidence in the `go-it-alone` anti-epidemic strategy was dented, Tegnell’s position was no longer the same as before and he was often evasive when asked about the situation in other countries.
In most countries, including Denmark, Norway and Finland, national health authorities tend to `upgrade their stance` on the threat from Covid-19 to avoid risks occurring, from
The Swedish government surprised itself by completely following the strategy proposed by Tegnell.
`If you look at the history of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, it is not difficult to find pragmatic and decisive leaders when steering the country through times of crisis. But this time it is not like that,` Brolin shared.
Although many of Tegnell’s supporters continue to insist he was a wonderful person, Brolin theorizes that Tegnell, a technocrat unaccustomed to the spotlight, may have been tempted by fame from the start.
Brolin said that Sweden’s `soft` anti-epidemic strategy is unlikely to become a success story.
Meanwhile, Norway and Denmark, which initially imposed stricter lockdowns, seem to have effectively controlled Covid-19 enough to begin reopening.
According to Brolin, a recent study by the US Federal Reserve and MIT on lessons learned from the Spanish flu crisis has shown that the difficult and unstable period may last longer.
`Cities that only implement early and widespread interventions such as social distancing and bans on large gatherings will not suffer adverse economic impacts in the medium term. Cities that intervene earlier
Swedish people gathered in a park in Stockholm on April 5.
Brolin said the government and the Swedish Public Health Agency are now no longer trying to win a `glorious victory` over Covid-19, but are now fighting to escape the crisis without leaving `stains`.
Faced with increasingly alarming figures about Covid-19, Sweden has issued several stricter restrictions, including banning gatherings of 50 people or more from the previous 500 people, officials said.
Prime Minister Lofven has also issued clearer recommendations than before to the Swedish people.
If the latest figures published by the Swedish Public Health Agency are correct, the number of new infections in the country is also starting to trend downward.
Thanh Tam (According to Telegraph)