The wedding must be perfect
The more you expect, the more likely you are to be disappointed.
`No plan is perfect. My advice to you is to be mentally prepared for the unexpected and try your best,` Jen said.
Spend money on unnecessary things
The weddings Jen has been to as a bridesmaid have had many different budgets, from $10,000 to more than $250,000.
According to Jen, you should not spend money on decorative details because guests rarely pay attention.
Photo: Asiaone.
Keep secrets from each other
Before each wedding, Jen spends weeks, even months, getting to know her clients.
In fact, after getting engaged, couples are often so excited about the wedding that they forget to have a serious conversation about issues that can affect the marriage.
`It’s best to talk frankly with each other early to make the wedding day perfect,` Jen advised.
Agree to do things you don’t want to do
Before the wedding, Jen often hears brides share promises they once made but now no longer want to keep.
`It’s hard to say no to friends or relatives, but I advise the bride and groom to wait at least 30 days before responding to them,` Jen said.
Forgot to enjoy the happy day
Instead of basking in joy, some brides and grooms spend most of the ceremony worrying.
There are also couples who are so engrossed in receiving guests that they cannot enjoy food and drinks.
`Remember that your wedding is your time. No matter what, you and your spouse should enjoy the moment,` Jen advises.